Landscape Architect Checklists
This checklist helps guide the landscape architect (LA) through all phases of a new space project.
This checklist helps guide the landscape architect (LA) through all phases of a replacement and improvement project.
Project Manager Checklist
This checklist helps guide the FM or PM keep track of landscape architect efforts.
Intermountain Facilities Service Area (IFS)
Sustainability is a major emphasis for Church construction and maintenance efforts. This emphasis has become significantly more important within the Intermountain Facilities Service area and its pressing need to address water conservation. This document lists the top areas of emphasis that apply to all new and existing meetinghouse landscape work within the IFS area.
Eco-Regions Map
For use in determining landscape options based on geographic and environmental regions.
Click for a larger, zoomable map
Eco-Region Specific Landscape Style Options
Actual architectural plan types are subject to change. Proto-typical plans are given for reference only. Work with project architect to get building footprint and site layout for individual projects. For plans that are unavailable through Eco-Region tables, contact David Wright with AEC at (801) 240-9478 or
Interactive Church Approved Plants
With an LDS account this link connects to plant search tools of over 1,400 approved church plants. Professionalism as described above shall be taken in the selection of plants. Plants can be searched for based on common and scientific name, plant categories, and plant characteristics. Additionally, if you would like to submit a plant for approval, a tab is provided to help guide the submittal process. Any responsible individual can sign up for an LDS account by visiting
Common Landscape Detail Sheets
Sheets L501 through L506, which contain general and specific irrigation and planting details, are available in
Updated April 2023
Specification Updates
See AEC Specifications to download specifications.
Smart Controller Planning and Installation Checklists
Procedures for final inspections of installations of
Rain Master and
For past recordings of church conducted training please contact David Wright.
Landscape Management Plan
The Landscape Management Plan (LMP) is a Facilities Manager’s (FM) quick reference guide for landscape maintenance and it is created by the project landscape architect in coordination with the landscape contractor. This document is approved for new and existing construction projects. While the old Site Management Plans will still have value for facilities management efforts and as such should not be discarded, the LMP takes over its place for new landscape projects.
Water Conservation Guidelines
The Water Conservation Guideline provides water management ideas. It also helps FMs in working with contractors and members to conserve water while meeting meetinghouse irrigation needs. The guide provides everything from a simple, single, breakout, quick reference sheet, to advanced controller adjustment recommendations. Any considerations for additional inclusions should be sent to David Wright at
Transitioning Trees to Water Wise Landscapes
If you are considering transitioning to a water wise landscape, please review this document by Kathryn Johnson and Larry Rupp of the Center for Water-Efficient Landscaping (CWEL) of the Utah State University Extension.
Landscape Meetinghouse Update
Articles designed to keep you informed of the most current meetinghouse landscape
guidelines, standards, issues, questions and answers.
May 2015 |
July 2012 |
April 2012 |
January 2012 |
September 2011
- Landscape Architect Training
All landscape architects should complete both parts of the landscape architect training prior to beginning work on a Church landscape project. Please complete the training in this order by clicking these links:Email template: The project manager uses this template to notify the principal consultant and landscape architect of the required training. For Mac users, please contact David Wright at 801-240-9478 for specific wording.
Open the Quick Reference Guide for the list of essential online resources and tools for landscape architects.
- Turf Grass Training
The following links contain useful information in evaluating and maintaining your lawn. Bryan G. Hopkins, Ph.D., is the guest lecturer. He is a Certified Professional Soil Scientist and a professor in the Plant and Wildlife Sciences Department in the College of Life Sciences at BYU. He serves as the director of the Environmental Analytical Lab.- Drought in the Urban Landscape – A meetinghouse webinar (55:57 Length)
- Pruning Shrubs and Groundcovers
A self-paced training providing basic instruction for completeing meetinghouse pruning tasks. Identifies the correct tools, safety procedures, purposes for pruning, and plant anatomy to assist members. Also includes video clips demonstrating actual pruning practics for different plant types. - Church Employee Training
Many training resources for employees of the Meetinghouse Facilities Department are listed on the MFD Training and Resources site, including courses related to meetinghouse landscapes.