United States & Canada Design Guidelines

These design guidelines are primarily for use by consulting architects, engineers, and landscape architects who provide professional services to the Church in the U.S. and Canada. They are also for use by project managers and facilities managers.

Download the Design Guidelines:

United States and Canada Design Guidelines


Supplemental Documents:

Real Estate Aquisition

Property Feasibility Study – Cost Worksheet
Boundary and Topographical Survey Guidelines
Sample Agreement Between Client and Survey Consultant for Boundary and Topographical Survey (U.S.)
Geotechnical Consultant and Testing Agency Agreement Instructions for Administrative Assistants and Service Providers
Geotechnical Evaluation Report Template | Checklist
Sample Geotechnical Evaluation Report


Asphalt, Site Concrete and Pervious Concrete Maintenance Guidelines
Asphalt Maintenance Checklists for Facilities Manager and Contractor
Sample Asphalt Paving Maintenance Record
Civil and Structural Testing and Inspection Guidelines
Civil Analysis, Design and Drawing Checklist, Abbreviated
Civil Analysis, Design, Drawing and Construction Checklists, Extended
Architectural, Civil, and Landscaping Site Development Checklist


Abbreviated Structural Analysis, Design and Drawing Checklist
Extended Structural Analysis, Design, and Drawing Checklists

Structural Evaluation Report Templates

Meetinghouse Roof Trusses Evaluation Report (RTER) Template
Building Component Evaluation Report (CER) Template

Structural Investigation Report Template

Structural Investigation Report Template

Mechanical / Electrical

Boiler Decision Chart
Building Alarm Monitoring from Church Headquarters
Meetinghouse Dehumidification


Meetinghouse Artwork Guidelines for Facilities Managers and Project Managers
Qualifying for and Ordering Portable Partitions


Eco-Regions Map
Landscape Architect Checklist
Landscape Management Plan
Water Conservation Guidelines
Topsoil Testing Report  |  Template
Compost Verification Report  |  Template
Smart Controller Checklists: Rain Master, WeatherTRAK


New Meetinghouse Video Distribution System Qualifications Guidelines

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