Meetinghouse Standard Plan
Committee (MSPC) Notifications

The Meetinghouse Standard Plan Committee (MSPC) considers items related to the Presiding Bishopric approved standard plans, design guidelines, owner provided materials or furnishings, or other issues which would affect addition, replacement, and improvement projects, or maintenance of existing meetinghouses. MSPC meets quarterly or as needed, and its primary purpose is to consider issues that may significantly affect the quality, cost or timeliness of a project. MSPC has authority to make changes to plans or processes within boundaries, and as appropriate elevates some items to the Presiding Bishopric for their consideration and direction.

Information displayed here is provided to ensure that priesthood leaders and field personnel are aware of decisions reached by MSPC and their implications. As new items are considered by MSPC, notifications will be sent directly to Project Managers and Facilities Managers, and posted here for future reference. It is recommended that field personnel review the contents of this page quarterly to ensure they are aware of, and can comply with the latest MSPC decisions.

MSPC # Summary of Items Date of Notice
  1. Fluorescent Lamp Color
  2. Musical Instruments in Meetinghouses
  3. New Meetinghouse Video Distribution System Qualification Guidelines
15 March 2016
  1. Digital Video Systems for New Construction and Replacement Projects
22 January 2015
  1. Use of Meetinghouse Artwork as Teaching Resources by Missionaries and Members
  2. Corridor Paver Tile in Lieu of Carpet
  3. Pews versus Opera Chairs on Rostrums
  4. LED Replacement Lamps
  5. Tritium Exit Signs
  6. Asphalt Maintenance
  7. Geotechnical and Civil/Structural Materials Testing and Inspection
4 June 2014
  1. AEC Design Guidelines - Update (Historic Properties)
26 February 2014
  1. Rostrum and Millwork
  2. LED Parking Lot and Exterior Building Lighting
  3. Freestanding Monument Signs
  4. Requests for Technical Equipment for Ecclesiastical Training
11 October 2013
  1. Design Parking Ranges
  2. Pipe Organ Renovations
28 March 2013
  1. Condenser Theft Protection
15 January 2013
  1. Banquet Tables
16 October 2012
  1. Accordion Folding Partitions
  2. Cyclorama Curtains and Track Hardware
  3. Fixed Projection Screens, Built-in Projectors, Flat Screen Monitors, etc., in High Council Rooms, Relief Society Rooms, etc.
25 June 2012




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